Catching Game

In the catching game, the user moves an object (the catcher) right and left across the screen to catch falling objects. There can be only objects to catch or both objects to catch and decoy objects can be included.

Caves and Trees

The Caves and Trees block is a combination game and assessment block. You might also consider it practice or instruction. Currently (12/26/24), it only allows math problems – division, multiplication, addition or subtraction. The player rolls a die to advance through the game. Caves send the player back, trees can be climbed to the next row. If a player lands on one type of square, they must answer a problem to advance. A second type of square asks a harder problem but the player advances twice as far.

Collect Objects

In the collect objects game, the player moves around a grid collecting “good” items and avoiding “bad” items. Unlike the Moving Targets block, where the items to be clicked move, in this game block, it’s the player that moves and the items are stationary.


The Maze Game block is a 7 X 12 grid where the user starts at one cell and must travel to another cell in the same grid. The goal is to make through two screens without running out of points. The maze has items that cost the player points and that earn points.

Memory Images

The Memory Images game – is version of the memory card game with 10 cards. One card is an image and the match is text. Players find all of the matches within the time limit. It’s most common use is in language learning, both English and a second language, and in social studies.

Memory Math

A math version of the memory card game with 10 cards. Players find all of the matches within the time limit. One card is a math problem, generated randomly within a range provided by the developer, the second card in each pair is the answer. Math problems can be multiplication, division, addition or subtraction.

Moving Targets

The Moving Targets block can be used in two ways:

  1. “Good” targets that the player wants to hit and “bad” targets that they should not hit. In the Disaster Deduction Detectives game, the player fishing for salmon wants to catch the salmon by clicking on their images and not click on the other types of fish. In this case, “good” just means that you want to click on or tap it. In the Animosh game, the player must “hit” the Windigo multiple times to drive it away.
  2. There can be just one type of “target”, the “good” target. For example, you need to collect an endangered species that is crossing the road before it gets hit by a car. Click on the image to “rescue” it.

Runner block

The runner block is a game where the player runs from left to right, jumping over obstacles that appear in the way. Jump over a set number of obstacles to win the game. If you ever played the dinosaur jumping over cactus game on Chrome when the Internet was down, yeah, it’s like that.

Search Game

Search game – The player finds objects from a list. Items can be put in front of other items, so that the player must move obstacles to find certain items. Players can click on the “hint” button to see the list again. When an item is found, a message is shown and the name of the item is removed from the list.


The whack-that block is a game where the player clicks on images that pop out of a hole. A versatile block, it has been used to capture enemy soldiers, catch gophers and pull weeds just by changing the background and the image to be “whacked”.