FAQs – You have questions? We’ve got answers

Note that 7 Gen Blocks EDU is at the prototype stage as of first quarter of 2024, so some of these answers will change in our beta version, due out quarter 3 of 2024 (or maybe quarter 2, depending on funding. If you’re an investor wanting to make that happen email maria@7generationgames.com )

Why do some pages on this site require a login? These pages are part of the low-code version of blocks, which is in private beta.

Do I need an account to use 7Gen Blocks? Currently, no, you don’t need an account to use it. Simply click the link to access the builder and get started. You can also return to your games whenever you like. The beta version coming in Quarter 3, 2024, will have user logins.

What’s the fee to use 7Gen Blocks? There is currently no cost to use the game builder. Both the prototype and private beta will be completely FREE. However, we also offer custom game solutions tailored to your needs. Feel free to contact us at info@7generationgames.com for more information.

How many times can I use the game builder? You can use the game builder as many times as you want to create an unlimited number of games.

Can I use blocks on my phone? Absolutely! You can access 7Gen Blocks from your phone, tablet, or any device with a browser and an internet connection. Share your game by sending others the link.

My game/block name isn’t working even though I know it’s what I entered before, what do I do? URLs cannot contain spaces or special characters. If you named your block something like ‘Find the Fruit,’ the builder automatically converts it to a format it can use. Try using ‘find-the-fruit’ instead. You’ll see the correct name for each block in the list of blocks on the Game Builder page.

How many of the same block can I add? There’s no limit! You can add as many blocks of the same type as you like.

How many blocks can I add? The sky’s the limit! Add as many blocks as you want, but make sure to keep track of them.

Can I link a block from a different game to mine? Unfortunately, you cannot link blocks from different games. However, creating a similar block within your game is quick and easy.

Can I delete a block? How do I delete a block? Currently, you can’t delete an entire block, but you can keep it out of your game by simply not linking it to any of the other blocks. (So don’t put the name of this block under ‘next block’). Deleting blocks will be available in the beta.

Can I copy a block? Copying a block is not supported, but you can link the same block multiple times within your game to reuse it. Copying a block will be possible in the beta version.

What if I forgot the name of my game? Unfortunately, we can’t help you retrieve the name, but you can try different names. If you played the game before, you can check your browser history for the URL, which includes the game name. Hint, the name of your game will be in the URL like this, https://7genblocks.com/builder/games/[your-game-name]/[your-first-game-block]/ The beta version of 7 Gen Blocks EDU will have

Can I upload my own images for the blocks? Currently, you cannot upload custom images and must select from the galleries we provide. We strive to continuously add new and exciting images to our collection. The beta version will allow users to upload images.

Can I use a different language or writing system in my game?  Partially! While it’s not possible to name a game or a block using characters from a different writing system due to URL restrictions, you can incorporate different languages and scripts within text boxes, instructions, categories, and other content elements within the blocks. To see an example of this, please visit: https://7genblocks.com/builder/games/examples/languages

In my preview I can’t see the next block, am I linking it wrong? My next block isn’t showing up in the preview. The preview displays only the current block. To test if your blocks follow each other correctly, open the link to your game and give it a test run.

Loading the game/Creating issue with old blocks added to new

I forgot to upload my game, what can I do? No worries! If you saved your game blocks after editing, they were likely uploaded to the server already. Try reopening the closed tab on your device or reloading your game. Make sure to save and upload frequently to prevent losing your work.”

Can I play my game from somewhere else/ Can someone else play my game on their device? Yes, just share the link to your game to play from any device anywhere, as long as it has a browser and internet access. You can send a link to your game using this format: https://7genblocks.com/builder/games/[your-game-name]/[your-first-game-block]/

Or you can copy the link to you first block like shown in the image below,

Can I download my game? Currently, these games are online only.

Your beta sounds Awesome! How do I get it?

7 Gen Blocks and 7 Gen Blocks EDU are currently in closed beta. Sign up here to be notified when our public beta launches.