As with other game blocks, start at the Game Builder site. Either create a new game site by clicking the Create Game button or load an existing game by typing in the game site name and clicking the Load Game button. You can find a quick introduction to the game builder here.

Making Your Search Game Block
In the New Game Block Field, type a name for your block. This is going to be part of a URL, so it should not include any spaces or any other characters except for letters, numbers and a hyphen. All letters should be lower case. Select Search Game as the block type and click the Create New Game Block button.
Once you’ve created a search game block, you’ll see the name of it in the list of game blocks. You’ll also see the URL for this block page.
Click the name of your block in the list and click on the Edit Game Block button.

Editing your Search Game Block
- When you select Edit Game Block the search game block editor screen will come up, as shown below.
- Enter the text to be shown when a player finds all of the search items in the box next to Finish Text.
- Next to Next Block, enter the name of the block to go to when this block is completed. It will be something like my-next-block or assessment-page1. If you don’t know what that name will be, you can come back and enter it later.
- Select a background image by clicking on Backgrounds and selecting an image from the list. Click the Set Background Image button at the bottom left of the page.
- Click Save to save your changes
Remember to click Save to save your changes on this page.

Once you’ve entered your finish text and selected a background, click the Search Items tab at the top of the screen.
Adding the Search Items
- Select a gallery of images and a list of image names will appear
- Select an image name to see that image
- Next to the Item Name tab (top left), give the item a name. This is the text that will appear in the pop-up box when the hint button is clicked.
- Next to the Found Text, give a message to appear when the item is found.
- Click Add Search Item. Your item you added will appear at the bottom of the screen, below a small version of the background image you created.
- Drag your search item on the background to where you want it to appear in the game. If you don’t see the search item, try scrolling down. It should be at the bottom of your screen below the background.
- Click on the Save button to save your block.

Once you’ve added all the search items you want, you can click on the Preview tab to check out your block.
Save Your Block to the Web
- Click on the Options Tab
- Click the Return to Site Builder button to go back to the main Game Builder page.
- Click Upload Game to Server to write the files to the server.
Now, you can go on to add another block, or head over to the website to play your game.
Your game on the web
To see a block as published on the web, or share it with anyone else:
- Go the Game Builder
- Click on the block name
- Copy the block URL shown on the screen