What are components?

Components are pieces of a game that connect the game together. There are two components everyone will use, a splash screen and an end screen, because every game has a beginning and an end. There are also components that are used in some games and not others. For example, if your game has multiple levels, you probably want a level up screen. If you have an open choice game where players can choose from a menu, you need a menu screen. Maybe you want players to login to your game so that they can save their game state. Then, you need a login screen.

Component Blocks

Need a component? There’s a block for that!

End Game Block

Even the best games have to end sometimes. The end game block includes art and text signaling the end of the game, and links to a credits page, which is also included in this block.

Level Up Block

The level up block , as you might guess from the name, is a page that shows when a player levels up. It shows an image, text and a button which, when clicked, goes on to the beginning of the next level.

Menu Block

In a game where players choose their path, you may have a menu block with from two to six choices, where each choice leads to a different part of the game.

Splash Screen Block

Splash Screen Block – Every game needs to start with a splash screen. Your splash screen will have an image, the title of your game and a play button. When the player clicks on the play button, they’re taken to the beginning of your game.