
Here’s how to have your first game in 30 minutes or less. Select your template. Edit the script to suit yourself. Accept the existing problems, edit or add new ones.

Person in White Shirt With book over their face

Quick Start – It’s 10 pm and I Need this for Tomorrow

Not judging, because we’ve all been there. Here’s how to have your first game ready in 30 minutes or less. You’ll have a pre-loaded script, images and problems but you can edit these to your satisfaction, and we’ve even given you suggestions for how to do that.

  1. Create your game by loading a template and picking SAVE AS with a new game name
  2. Edit the template
  3. Save your game

  1. Go to the game builder site, type one of the following template names (all lower case and hyphen as shown and click Load Game. .
    • baking-millions – Baking Millions – Chef Jean Pierre is making a cake for the most famous celebrity you can imagine. There is just one teeny problem. This game can be modified for multiplication or division, of either whole numbers or fractions.
      • They have four times as many guests as the usual recipe. You need to compute the correct amounts. (Multiplication)
      • They have one-third the number of guests as the usual recipe. You need to compute the correct amounts. (Division)
    • salmon-people – We Are All Salmon People – Using historical photos from the Library of Congress, this game level gives a brief introduction to the importance of salmon and their declining numbers, followed by a fractions problems using salmon life cycle and an explanation of the importance of fractions in understanding social problems.